Working With Service Providers

How Association Service Providers Benefit From ACRE's Services

Some association service providers may understandably think there would be little value in working with ACRE on sales ventures designed to help associations pay less for products and services.

But ACRE intentionally works to maximize the value of its programs for the provider community as much as associations.

As an example, providers can advertise their own discount offers for free on A-Mart, ACRE’s online discount purchasing hub. And providers have an opportunity for a new sales channel through ACRE’s various discount purchasing programs.

For deals initiated by ACRE, providers only pay a small customer acquisition fee if and when a deal is finalized.  Part of that fee goes back to the buyer as a rebate to make discount offers even more attractive to associations.

Providers and their exclusive offers also get free inclusion in the Association Savings Report, the e-newsletter on association cost savings that ACRE distributes to associations each month.


Additionally, ACRE offers providers:

  • Opportunities to participate in or initiate group buying deals and land multiple clients at once, with ACRE doing all the work to identify and bring the parties together.
  • Similar opportunities for hotels to participate or initiate group bookings of meetings with multiple associations
  • Additional visibility, brand awareness, and support through ACRE’s marketing of its services to the association community.


These are no-risk, no-effort ways for providers to increase sales! ACRE wants to work with association service providers to maximize the value they get from these programs and to develop new provider-friendly initiatives that help associations reduce costs.


Providers interested in engaging or participating with ACRE in any capacity are encouraged to contact ACRE by phone or email, or submit the form on this page. We hope to hear from you soon!

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