Group Buying

Saving Associations Through Collaborative Purchasing!

While its true that every association is different, they also have a lot in common. Many have similar governance structures, advocacy tools, event types, etc. 

Most of them also need many of the same products and services. So when one association is looking for a specific service, chances are a few others are too.

Now for the first time, associations have the opportunity to take advantage of their collective buying power and enjoy volume-based group discounts.

ACRE Makes The Connections. You Reap The Savings!

Group Buying creates a chance for associations to earn sizeable discounts by letting ACRE pursue joint buying opportunities for them.

And the more associations that participate in a group purchase, the bigger the potential discounts become!

Group Buying is also an easy way for providers to expand sales with little effort or acquisition costs. They can even initiate their own group offers, extending extra discounts only if multiple associations accept their deal.

No Cost For Associations.
No Obligation To Buy.
No Brainer!

Associations and providers set their own conditions for engaging in a group purchase, with no obligation to participate until a deal is signed.

And ACRE’s help in procuring a deal is 100% free to associations!

Check out ACRE’s active and pending group offers. And when you’re next looking to buy, let ACRE find you the best deal through either a group or individual purchase.

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