Multiple Association Meetings Program

Would You Offer Special Discounts To Book Meetings With Multiple Associations?

          • Book more meetings, under whatever conditions you want to set
          • Secure more deals with virtually no additional sales or marketing effort on your part
          • Increase exposure and recognition of your property and its features within the association community

Concept 1 - Group Booking Program

  • Hotel sets terms of its discount offer if 2+ associations book a meeting through the program
  • ACRE promotes the offer directly to associations and with paid ads with DFWAE/TSAE
  • ACRE identifies, recruits, and coordinates interested associations
  • Interested associations whose meetings fit the hotel’s criteria are presented to the hotel
  • If contracts are signed, the hotel pays a referral fee to ACRE (% of guaranteed minimum)

Added Benefit: No upfront fees. Only highly interested leads presented to the hotel.

Concept 2 - Affinity/Discount Program

  • Hotel participates in an affinity partnership with DFWAE/TSAE and ACRE
  • Hotel sets the terms of its special group discount offer to associations 
  • The hotel’s offer is featured in ACRE and DFWAE promotion of the program 
  • ACRE manages a separate webpage linked by DFWAE promoting the offer
  • The hotel pays ACRE (who pays DFWAE/TSAE) a referral/affinity fee
      • Option of an up-front promotional fee or a capped % of the guaranteed minimum in the contract

Added Benefit: Direct promotion to association staff by DFWAE/TSAE.

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