Save On Meeting Venues

Turn The Tables On Skyrocketing Meeting Costs

Associations and charitable organizations beaten down by ever-increasing meeting costs have a new line of defense at their disposal. 

ACRE offers nonprofits two free services to save on venue costs.

Let ACRE Find Your Where

Wouldn’t it be nice to outsource the many headaches involved in securing a site for your next meeting?  But who can afford to do that? Turns out, any nonprofit can.

ACRE offers free, full-service site sourcing and venue contracting services for most any size meeting.

Using a highly experienced meeting planner with deep connections throughout the meetings industry, ACRE can secure your perfect venue at the best possible rate.

Already Know Where You Want To Go?

ACRE also works with select hotels to offer even deeper discounts and rebates for larger nonprofit events. 

The chance to increase business volume from other nonprofits and a unique financing arrangement make the program especially appealing to hotels, while helping nonprofits save even more!

Before you contact that hotel about your next meeting, check with ACRE first.  We’ll approach the venue about their interest in our program.  If they agree, it could save you a bundle!  

Interested In Saving Money On Your Next Meeting Venue? Drop Us A Quick Note

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