For Service Providers

See How ACRE Benefits Service Providers!

Some service providers may understandably think there would be little value for them to work with ACRE to help nonprofits pay less for their products and services. But participating providers can benefit in a number of ways.


  • Free Marketing: ACRE markets it’s services primarily through direct outreach to associations and charitable organizations. Those communications include free promotion of any savings opportunity that any service provider wants to offer to the 501(c) community.  It’s a free service available to any and all providers. 


  • Referral Fee-Funded Rebates:  ACRE charges a standard referral fee if it helps a provider find and conclude a deal with a nonprofit. But 50% of that referral fee goes back to the nonprofit in the form of a rebate! And the provider can promote the rebate offer up front as part or all of it’s discounted offer. 


  • Early Adopter Bonus: Currently, ACRE is devoting 80% of it’s referral fee to customers of participating clients! Providers can offer even greater savings at no additional cost to them!


Interested?  Use the form on this page, or contact ACRE to find out more and to take advantage of these sales-boosting offers!

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